2. Collaborations
  3. International Collaboration
  4. The Center for Strategic Studies of the University of Jordan (CSS)

The Center for Strategic Studies of the University of Jordan (CSS)

Partner Institution The Center for Strategic Studies of the University of Jordan (CSS)open a new window
Country Jordan
Agreement established May 11, 2024
Principal areas of collaboration The Center for Strategic Studies(CSS) of the University of Jordan is one of the leading diplomatic and security think tanks in the Arab world, and has accumulated empirical political and security research on Middle Eastern countries and the region, as well as policy recommendations. By entering into a partnership relationship with the Center for Strategic Studies(CSS) of the University of Jordan, RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies of the University of Tokyo will enhance the ability of analysis of the regional and international politics of the Middle East and invigorate policy recommendations for Japan's diplomacy toward the Middle East.
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