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  4. Israel Month @UTokyo Komaba Research Campus #8: From Sea and Sky, East and West: How Earth Science Grasps the Global Warming

Israel Month @UTokyo Komaba Research Campus #8: From Sea and Sky, East and West: How Earth Science Grasps the Global Warming

Event Information

Date and Time March 7, 2022 16:00 - 17:15

English/Japanese simultaneous interpretation will be provided


ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies) of the University of Tokyo, co-organized by JST COI-NEXT program “ClimCORE,” supported by the Embassy of Israel in Japan

Entrance Fee No charge. Advance registration required

Division of Religion and Global Security (Ikeuchi Laboratory) of RCAST, the University of Tokyo

How do earth sciences grasp global warming? How do researchers assess the mechanism and scale of climate change and foresee future development? What kind of methodology do they employ? How accurate is it? Leading scholars on Earth Sciences of both the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Tokyo explore these issues from the sea and sky.


  • Hezi Gildor, Professor, The Fredy & Nadine Herrmann Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem / Ori Adam, Associate Professor, The Fredy & Nadine Herrmann Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Hisashi Nakamura, Professor, Division of Climate Science, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), the University of Tokyo
  • Moderator: Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor of Religion and Global Security, RCAST and the Head of ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies), the University of Tokyo

About the Speakers

Dr. Hezi Gildor
Dr. Hezi Gildor is a Professor at the Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who specializes in physical oceanography, observing climate changesin ancient and modern times.

Dr. Ori Adam
Dr. Ori Adam is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who specializes in oceanography and climate studies.

Dr. Hisashi Nakamura
Dr. Hisashi Nakamura is a Professor of Climate Change Research at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology of the University of Tokyo, who specializes in climate dynamics. Based on the research of the atmospheric circulation and ocean-atmosphere interaction, he assesses how the anthropogenic global warming modulates natural climate variability to cause extreme weather events recently.

Moderator: Prof. Satoshi Ikeuchi
Satoshi Ikeuchi is a Professor of Religion and Global Security at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) of the University of Tokyo and the Head of ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies). Professor Ikeuchi has published extensively on Middle East politics, Islamic political thought and global security challenges.

* This webinar is part of the "Israel Month @UTokyo Komaba Research Campus" event. For more information, please click here

ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies) of the University of Tokyo with the support of the Embassy of Israel in Japan, has organized “Israel Week” in 2021. The Year 2022 marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Japan. With great pleasure, this year’s "Israel Month @UTokyo Komaba Research Campus" event will feature a series of webinars on the latest trends and developments in Israel and their impact on Japan-Israel relations. The webinars in this framework will cover a broad range of topics, including recent developments in relation between Japan and Israel, Israel and the Arab countries, Greentech and climate change technologies, the impact of blockchain technology on policies, and how Earth Science grasps the global warming. A series of virtual seminars and lectures on Jewish thought and other religious traditions are to be held on this occasion inviting leading scholars from Israel.

"Israel Month” aims to provide an international forum for the exchange of ideas and inspiration from researchers and experts across different fields, and to seek opportunities for collaboration among the participants from academia, NPOs, industry, and the public sector.

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