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  4. First RCAST Cambridge Clare Hall Club meeting be held

First RCAST Cambridge Clare Hall Club meeting be held

  • RCAST Report

August 6, 2018

On Wednesday, July 18, from 2 p.m., at Café Lounge, RCAST, the first meeting of Clare Hall Club was held, where past Visiting Fellows and Visiting Students got together to celebrate the opening of this Cambridge club and to cheer up a student who will participate in the summer visiting student program.

The following remarks were made among the members. There are other Clare Hall meetings in Japan, but this is only meeting where visiting students can join. The meeting shall be held at least once a year before the summer visiting student program. The internet cloud system can be used to share ideas and information. Clare Hall now considerately admits 6 fellows per year and 2 fellows at one time per year. This enables us to extend our research exchange and to study other countries based in Cambridge. Cambridge, as a town, is monotonous, but this is very suitable for academic concentration.

From past students, the summer international program was a must in the past, so most of the time in Cambridge was spent for writing essays for the summer program. The level of English proficiency requirements was rather high, so engineering students found this difficult. Visits to labs at Cambridge required to make a number of telephone calls to fix them. For this coming summer, a grant was given and it made him to stay at Cambridge for 6 months, and from October the accommodations will be provided.

Some questions were made by a student who will be visiting Clare Hall this summer. These questions were properly answered. This meeting can be used as an orientation meeting to the students.

The participants of the meeting were Prof Hamakubo, Prof Makihara, Prof Ikeuchi, Assistant Prof Sato, PhD Student Ban, PhD Student Gladysz Lukasz, Mr Ebisawa, and Ms Okamatsu.

The name of the alumni at RCAST is determined RCAST Cambridge Clare Hall Club, and Prof Hamakubo was elected as the first President, and Prof Makihara was elected as the first Deputy President.

RCAST Cambridge Clare Hall Club Member
RCAST Cambridge Clare Hall Club Member
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