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  3. RCAST Report
  4. 2023 Autumn Semester Matriculation Ceremony of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies

2023 Autumn Semester Matriculation Ceremony of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies

  • RCAST Report

October 31, 2023

On Monday, October 2, this year, the Autumn Matriculation Ceremony of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies was held in the ENEOS Hall at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, in a hybrid format.

The Ceremony began with Professor Tatsuya HARADA, director of Managing Committee, giving a congratulatory address.

Professor Masakazu SUGIYAMA, director of RCAST, spoke about a region of the genome that was once considered useless but is now known to hold important information. "Don't dismiss things that seem unnecessary at first glance", he said. "As science and our understanding progresses, what seems unnecessary now may prove vital in the future." Professor Masakazu SUGIYAMA also talked about how the genome holds essential information that shapes our physical appearance and personality. At the same time, he pointed out that unpredictable exchanges, such as interaction among human beings and academic interactions, which are not predetermined, are equally essential for our growth. Prof. SUGIYAMA explained AIS for its active role in interacting with different disciplines and generations and encouraged students to build their various interactions.

Prof. HARADA, director of Managing Committee,

Prof. HARADA, director of Managing Committee

Prof. SUGIYAMA, director of RCAST

Prof. SUGIYAMA, director of RCAST

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