2. Research
  3. MobilityZero Social Cooperation Research Departments

Social Cooperation Research Departments

Realization of a future society where people can move freely beyond space, time, and consciousness

In this research division, we will study the nature of mobility in the new normal age, and promote innovation toward the realization of a future society in which humans can move freely across space, time, and consciousness. In order to make further progress in mobility, we have set three research and development directions: technology to transcend space (TPP: Tele-resence Platform), technology to transcend time (VTM: Virtual Time Machine), and technology to transcend consciousness (MTM: Mind Time Machine). We will conduct cross-disciplinary research and development in the fields of information science, cognitive science, neuroscience, social science, virtual reality, and metaverse, aiming to create new research fields and new industrial fields.

Realization of a future society where people can move freely beyond space, time, and consciousness

Realization of a future society where people can move freely beyond space, time, and consciousness

Cooperation Company/Organization



Tatsuya HARADA

Tatsuya HARADA

Michitaka HIROSE

Emeritus Professor
Michitaka HIROSE

Laboratory Homepage


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