Researcher's Profile

  • Associate Professor
  • Ichiro DAIGO
  • High Performance Materials
  • UTokyo LCA Center for Future Strategy, UTLCA
  • Pre-emptive LCA Social Cooperation Research Departments


March 2000 Ms, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
April 2000 Researcher, The Japan Research Institute, Ltd.
November 2002 Endowed chair researcher, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo (UTokyo)
March 2005 PhD, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
April 2008 Project Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, UTokyo
March 2009 Project Lecturer, Graduate School of Engineering, UTokyo
April 2011 Project Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, UTokyo
February 2021 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, UTokyo
April 2021 Associate Professor, RCAST, UTokyo

Research Interests

For a sustainable society, our laboratory tries to unveil the dynamics of stock and flow of substances and energy

Modelling dynamic materials stock and flow
The consideration of material use is essential for a pathway to a sustainable society. Material use at present cannot be deemed `sustainable` as exhaustible natural resources and fossil fuels are being used for production and tend to trigger material dissipations at end-of-life. Therefore, in our laboratory, we aim to develop dynamic stock and flow models for environmental sustainability analyses of materials and resources. Specific research topics are clarifying the dynamic of stock and flow of substances required for the models, development of sustainability indicators for optimization, impurity accumulation during recycling, and their influences on material properties.

Develop an LCA methodology for a zero-carbon future
Recently, quantifying greenhouse gas emissions using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) has been required by product manufacture, project implementation, and business activities. However, traditional LCAs are static assessments and do not fully consider consequential impacts on society; hence they have been unable to meet current requirements. Therefore, we develop a dynamic LCA method that considers the aforementioned stock and flow systems of materials.


  • January 2021 Resource, Conservation and Recycling; Most Downloaded paper award 2020
  • July 2019 Resource, Conservation and Recycling Best paper award 2018
  • March 2013 ISIJ Scientific Achievement Commemorative Prize (Nishiyama Commemorative Prize)
  • January 2010 ILCAJ young researcher award
  • March 2009 ISIJ young researcher award
  • October 2004 The 6th international conference on EcoBalance The best poster award
  • May 2004 JSMS Award for Best Presentation


industrial ecology, material flow analysis, life cycle assessment, sustainable resource management

Educational Systems

  • Department of Materials Engineering, Graduate school of Engineering
  • Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Graduate school of Engineering

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