1. ホーム
  2. 研究について
  3. リレーエッセイ 先端とは何か
  4. 第15回 極小デバイス理工学 分野ティクシエ・三田・アニエス 准教授

第15回 極小デバイス理工学 分野
ティクシエ・三田・アニエス 准教授

ティクシエ・三田・アニエス 准教授

Internationalization a key point for cutting-edge research

Research in the 21st century is more and more international: international collaborations, student exchange programs, sabbatical abroad and so on. Meanwhile, for the tendency of the internationalization, the question people might wonder is whether it is really necessary for the development of cutting-edge research, or whether it is only a question of fashion for “globalization”. Or, it is because many grants support such orientation.

As a foreign researcher in Japan, it became obvious to me that the way to approach a research problem is quite different in Japan and in France. The Japanese way of doing is often more pragmatic and concrete while the French way of doing is more intellectual and talkative. This is certainly deeply linked to our culture difference.

After the first period of surprise, foreigners tend naturally to be influenced by the other way of doing. Behind the semblance of blind imitation, there is a much deeper phenomena which is opening the mind to new approaches, and which is stimulating the imagination, the efficiency and the communication. The encounter of the mystery of the other, even if the confrontation might be destabilizing, helps to sharpen the mind; which is a key point to do a good research.

So I would like to invite Japanese students to have such an experience which helps the development of challenging research.






